I'm a very lucky person. I turned 60 and was able to stop full-time work. That's a statement that very few people would be in a position to make but I was in the right place at the right time and was able to make some good investment decisions (and a few bad ones too, but we don't talk about those).
So. I retired at the end of June 2024 and, at the moment, it feels like an extended holiday, albeit one with no emails from work and, much more importantly, no intrusive work WhatsApp messages at all times of the day & night. What now?
My plan is to have a gap year! I didn't have one as a young man and I'm not yet sure that I have got myself to a position where I know what I want to do - so I have a year of mucking about.
I do, however, know that I want to write. I enjoy the process, and the discipline. It is like a muscle and so the more training the better.
I'm re-reading my first David Ford book while writing a (for me) much more difficult and serious book about death, loss & friendship. I'm also in second draft of a children's book.
Good times.