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  • peterblair5

Book Two

Someone asked me what I was writing at the moment and mentioned that it wasn’t clear from this web site. Mostly I was astonished that anyone was reading it - I had started to assume that it was more of a personal diary! I’d better be more careful with what I write….

Anyway. I’ve had a frustrating few months altogether. As well as everything else going on (or not going on) in my life, I started to write a book I was quite excited about, only to find a name author pipping me to the post, and so I abandoned that one about 20,000 words in.

Next I was working on a deep and complex - and, it turned out, a more-than-expected down-beat and depressing - book. I got about 10,000 words in and got myself lost.

So - I’m writing a second book with the characters from “Not Unto Us”. Very much a sequel, it introduces a few new characters including (as requested by my ever=patient wife) more about Charlie and a strong female character. I’m enjoying being back into that world and with those characters - so possibly a good decision.

There we are - now you know!

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